Last seen: Aug 21, 2024
@george It looks great, thanks a lot
@george All clear, thanks a lot
@george Thanks a lot, it looks very nice. I marked in the below plan with red a small change: - in the main bedroom: the 80 cm glass door to the ter...
2. Terrace stairs on the bottom right side (near the wintergarden) - I see that 2 steps of the stairs come outside the polycarbonate roof. - In or...
1. Terrace railings on the bottom left side (near the carport) - I marked with a red line where the railings should end (that is aligned with the be...
@george Thanks for making the changes so quickly. I post below 2 minor comments, thanks
4. Floor thickness: - the floor is thicker than 42 cm - probably around 50 cm but still under discussion with Juraj. - once the floor thickness is...
3. Back view: - I marked in the pdf with green that terrace railings need to come also in that corner near the stairs.
2. Top view: - I marked with a big red cross a small area near the entrance which should not be covered. The roof cover should start above the stair...
1. Floorplan: - sorry for the misunderstanding. There is only 1 sliding door between kitchen and living room. I marked in the floor plan that betwee...
@george Thanks a lot for the swift changes. It looks very nice. I uploaded here the files with some markups for few changes. I will list the ch...
5. I thought again about the height of the tarraces. - on the back side, the terrace roof should be 250 (25 cm) above the glass doors at the house ...
4. The stairs change now due to the previous mentioned changes: - entrance stairs: now from left to rigth (covered with EPDM roof like that part of ...
3. The biggest changes relate to the canopy and pergolas - the canpoy (covered with EPDM foil like the house and carport) should become like a cover...
2. Carport needs few changes: - length of 6250 - now there is 2500 space between the house corner and where the carport length ends - this will be...
1. On the floorplan I noticed the following: - the outside doors from the child room should open inside teh house. - I would like to add a sliding...
@chalany Sorry for the late reply. It took some time to get a better understanding of how to optimize space and access around the house. I attach belo...
ENTRANCE: - the cover above entrance area / canopy is missing. The cover should be made of the same material as the house and carport - metal sheet ...
PERGOLAS: - Sorry for the misunderstanding. The pergolas should not be put on high metal screws at the level of the house floor. Inside pergola ar...
CARPORT: - I explained already that the carport cannot be higher than 3 meter (from landplot ground level) at the house wall and 2,7 meter at the ...
INTERIOR HEIGHT/SECTION: - The floor should be thicker. The exact layers and thickness are still under discussion but the overall thickness should...
FLOORPLAN: - The windows in the kitchen and bathroom should start at a level 1300 above the interior floor level and be 950 high. Now it's the...
@chalany Thank you for upadting the floorplan and the visualisations. I am posting my comments below with markups directly in the pictures
@chalany what about making the walls there with mineral wool and Rigips and the ceiling with mineral wool and rigips like the house? Is there any type...
@chalany we have discussed so far about steico and silicon on the side walls of the wintergarden. Why do we need to put polystiren on the roof of the ...
5. I marked by hand in brown the length of the various parts of the pergola areas. I suggest to work with round numbers and hope that what I estimated...
4. I am not sure if I understand the new quotes for the kitchen and bathroom window. I see now 1300 in the new version. Does it mean that these window...
For these walls marked in colours and mentioned above, can you please indicate the thickness in the plan? Thank you
3. Wall marked in green. Can you please make it like discussed yesterday: "3. Wall between living room and wintergarden (behind the TV): Knauf 12,5 +...
2. Wall marked in blue. Can you please make it like discussed yesterday: "2. Wall between entrance hallway and living room (where washing machine and ...
1. Walls marked in red. Can you please make them as discussed yesterday: "4. Walls between wintergarden and bedroom & guest room (including the pi...
@chalany Good evening. Thank you for making most of the changes. I uoload here a picture with my comments which are explained here below
@chalany. I understand the arguments for non scratching surface. But unfortunately we cannot put Knauf Diamant inside wintergarten. That area stays op...
Regarding the guest room: can you please slightly shift the wall between guest room and wintergarden, if possible, so that we get 3150 size? Times app...
Regarding the wintergarden: can you please fix the width to 3300 and allocate the difference of approx. 10 cm versus previous version equaly to the ch...
Thickness of interior walls, including the few exceptions: 1. Wall between the 2 bedrooms: like all the other interior walls: Knauf 12,5 + OSB ...
Can you please add OSB 12 mm plus vapors foil between the 200 and 100 beams for all exterior walls? Thank you
Good morning. I am trying to summarize here today's email communication. Please see also attached plan with changes in green . Thank you
In case there is anything else which needs to be clarified, please let me know and I will try to answer fast and short. Thank you. Have a nice weekend...
"Assuming approx. 90-95 cm combined thickness for the house roof and floor, and a minimum interior height of 3 meter on the shorter wall, I propose ma...